Meet the Stroud Valleys Project team
People and nature, thriving together
We have a great team with a variety of backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about the work we do for Stroud Valleys Project.

Clare Mahdiyone
Chief Executive
Clare has responsibility, under the overall guidance of the trustees, for developing and planning the strategic direction of the organisation to support its overall aims. -
Deb Coleman
Operations Manager
Deb coordinates all issues relating to business and financial management within the organisation. -
Carolyn Buckley
Project Office Manager
Carolyn is our office manager who takes care of the day to day running of the office, website, and Friends' memberships.She is also our sustainability coordinator, encouraging good practice in all areas of our organisation, covering purchasing decisions, running our recycling scheme and ensuring we do everything we need to gain our Green Impact award accreditation.
Tamsin Bent
Project Officer
Tamsin runs our OPCC-sponsored Wildworks group, as well as a Stroud-based allotment group and community engagement project in Stratford Park. She also looks after Wild Classrooms, an exciting project which aims to focus and support outdoor learning in schools in Gloucestershire.Find out more about Wild Classrooms
Richard Lewis
Project Officer
Richard looks after a number of our volunteering groups, including groups at Rackleaze Wetlands, Stratford Park and Kingswood. He also co-ordinates our groups of volunteer woodworkers who supply our eco shop with some great wildlife products.Richard holds a Great crested newts survey or research class licence (level 1) (CL08).
Fred Miller
Project Officer
Fred is the project officer for the conservation projects at Capel’s Mill in Stroud and Sarah’s Field in Berkeley. He also runs our Carers in Nature project, which gives carers a chance to get out into nature.Fred is highly skilled in many aspects of conservation and runs our popular scything workshops.
Emily Helsby
eco shop Supervisor
Emily runs our Threadneedle Street eco shop and is usually there Thursday to Saturday, making sure we have plenty of our eco-friendly cleaning, toiletries and wildlife-friendly basics in stock, as well as sourcing new and exciting eco product ranges. -
Sharon Gardham
Project Officer
Sharon is a project officer on our Garden Guardians project, working with communities in shared green spaces to improve them for people and wildlife. She also helps out with event planning and runs operational projects.
Caroline Pankhurst
Project Officer, Eco Hub & Volunteer Coordinator
Caroline is a project officer, alongside Ruth, on our Wild Shed project.
She is also the coordinator for our eco hub project - see here for more information:
Additionally, Caroline is SVP’s volunteer coordinator, responsible for placing new volunteers, making sure existing volunteers are supported, and arranging work experience placements.
Stuart Roweth
Project Officer
There are hugely ambitious plans to increase the tree cover in Gloucestershire and the Stroud area.
Stuart and his team will be planting some of those thousands of trees that will create the forests, parks and gardens of the future, and will care for them in their early years to ensure they can thrive.
Along with dozens of local volunteers, Stuart hopes to help make each planting season as productive as possible.
Ruth Powell
Project Officer
Ruth is running a volunteer group on the Stroudwater Canal near Whitminster, restoring and creating habitats, particularly for water voles. She is co-ordinating with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (GWT) and other partners in the Cotswold Canal Connected project.
Ruth has experience as a volunteer with GWT, having taken part in many activities such as scrub clearance, tree planting and fencing at Robinswood Hill and building rain gardens at Kingsholm Rugby Stadium in Gloucester.
Ruth is also running the Wild Shed group, along with Susie, which undertakes a variety of conservation and food-growing projects in and around Stroud..
Kerri Tyler
Communications and Fundraising Coordinator
Kerri’s role is to tell people about Stroud Valleys Project and how we’re improving our communities and our landscape; to forge new connections with people and organisations who share our values; and to help ensure our work receives the funding it needs to continue long into the future.
Alongside this, Kerri is also responsible for organising our programme of events.
If you have a media enquiry or would like to know more about any of our work, please email kerri@stroudvalleysproject.org.
Alison Willis
Employment and Skills Coordinator
Alison is our Employment and Skills Coordinator, working to support people who have been out of the job market for a while to get back into work (paid or voluntary) or training.
Shelley Rider
Employment and Skills Coordinator
Shelley is our other Employment and Skills Coordinator, working to support people who have been out of the job market for a while to get back into work (paid or voluntary) or training.