Lucky Severn Lottery
People and nature, thriving together
Play and support us
To support our work and be in with a chance of winning up to £25,000, visit Lucky Seven Lottery to play. Supporters must be 16 years of age or older to take part.
Win up to £25,000
A chance to win cash prizes every week, up to £25,000!
Sign up for only £1 a week
Stroud Valleys Project receives 50p from every £1 ticket sold
Join your community in making where we live an even better place
People who aren’t online can join – call 01453 602960
How much of the ticket price goes to Stroud Valleys Project?
All the good causes supported by the Lucky Severn Lottery benefit the Stroud district area and its residents.
Tickets for the lottery cost just £1 per week. Each ticket has a 1 in 50 chance to win a prize each week, with a top prize of £25,000. If you choose us as your charity, 50p from the cost of each ticket goes directly to Stroud Valleys Project to support our work. Look out too for additional bolt-on prizes throughout the year. The lottery is drawn every Saturday night at 8pm.
Tickets are available at www.luckysevernlottery.co.uk. Anyone buying a ticket can select Stroud Valleys Project on the website.
The rest of the money goes towards prizes and administration costs. There is no cost to us and so this is a great venture for a small charity like us.