Does your business or organisation have sustainability, social value or environmental targets?
Work with Stroud Valleys Project to drive positive change, both within your organisation and in your local community.
Our environment affects us all, as individuals, as families and as professionals. We’re facing a complex tapestry of ecological challenges – loss of wildlife habitats and reduction of biodiversity, disruption to delicate ecosystems, localised pollution and pollution of waterways are all happening right here on our doorstep. We work with businesses and organisations to bring about meaningful change with local, regional and global impact.
Sanctus worked with SVP to restore Stonehouse Newt Ponds
When you support Stroud Valleys Project, you’re supporting a dynamic grassroots charity that delivers transformational benefit to the community and to the environment through outdoor activity and teamwork.
Thanks to meaningful and impactful environmental work, SVP has a proven track record of working with a range of people, including retired professionals, PhD students looking for conservation work, and ‘hard to reach’ people experiencing multiple levels of deprivation such as disability, mental health challenges, and limited literacy or language skills.
We also achieve impressive sustainability, biodiversity and ecological results across our district, and we are trusted as experts by partners including Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, the National Trust, Gloucestershire County Council and Stroud District Council.
Our corporate volunteering days revolve around meaningful ecological action, and are facilitated by skilled environmental professionals. You’ll take part in activity that will drive enduring change and foster ecological protection, and we will keep you up to date about the impact of your work.
If you’d like to volunteer with SVP for a one-off and there are just a few of you, you’re welcome to join one of our regular work parties – simply let us know your availability and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.
Volunteers clearing invasive species from our waterways
In 2022, we…
…provided 10,250 hours of conservation volunteering resulting in enhanced wellbeing for hundreds of people (94% of our volunteers reported improved mental health)
…achieved biodiversity improvements and nature recovery across 57 acres of local green space
…planted 8,000 trees in Stroud district
…delivered 45 education and engagement events for more than 700 people
55% of consumers globally are willing to pay extra for products and services from companies committed to positive social and environmental impact.
(Chartered Institute of Marketing)
How you can join forces with SVP to make a difference
1. Donate money for our work as a one-off…. and we’ll tell the world about your support!
2. Nominate us as your charity of the year or fundraising charity partner. We’ll give you everything you need to help you raise funds, as well as media outreach support, a collection box, a summary of your impact at the end of the year, and a team-building corporate volunteering day for every £250 you raise for SVP.
3. Become a Company Friend of SVP, with flexible levels of support and varying benefits including media outreach support, a talk about our work for your staff and contacts, a summary to show the impact of your support, and team-building corporate volunteering days.
4. Share your skills – IT, design, web, database or environmental support. As a small charity, our resources are stretched to the limit, and we’re always grateful for expert support from companies who can help us make a difference across the district.
5. Join us for a corporate volunteering day tailored to your needs. For a suggested minimum donation of £250, your team will experience a day in nature with a dedicated project leader. You’ll take part in work that will make a difference, locally and globally. You might be planting trees, or helping us maintain a delicate local ecosystem for wildlife.
What to do next
If you’d like to find out more about how SVP can work with you and view our levels of corporate support, call us on 01453 753358 or email kerri@stroudvalleysproject.org