Could you leave us a legacy gift in your will?
People and nature, thriving together
Our environment affects us all.
Climate change poses an enormous challenge to us and to future generations. Many of us are thinking about the kind of world we want to leave the next generation.
Over the last 30 years, our charity has led many projects to protect our local environment. We’ve worked on promoting solar energy, planted thousands of trees, set up nature reserves and looked after them, and worked with hundreds of local people and thousands of school children, explaining the importance of care for the local environment and the native species on our doorstep. We’ve conserved newts, bats and moths, and provided habitat for thousands of animals and birds. Our operations are as environmentally friendly as they possibly can be, and our expertise in this field helps others to work sustainably, too.
If you love the Stroud Valleys as much as we do, a legacy gift will ensure our charity continues to grow. You have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve made a difference to the place you love, even when you’re gone.
You might also consider naming us as a beneficiary in a funeral collection. All donations are valuable to our charity.
In addition to talking to us, we advise you to seek professional advice before making a decision to leave a legacy with Stroud Valleys Project.
Why a local charity?
Small charities make up 80% of the charitable sector but receive only 20% of donations (Foundation for Social Improvement). By leaving us a legacy, you and your family can see where and how your funds will be spent.
People and nature, thriving together
We work with people from all walks of life: sometimes people are on the road to recovery following addiction, sometimes they may have mental health issues. Many of our volunteers rely on our special brand of outdoor volunteering to add structure to their week and give them company and companionship as well as satisfaction in knowing that they are giving something back to the natural world. We help local people.
We work on the land in the valleys and hills of the Stroud District. We make it good for nature and wildlife and we find that this is good for people, too. Our vision is that we will always be able to improve the land to benefit nature and wildlife and that we will never have to say no to a person who wants to work with us.
A legacy gift would be truly transformative to our charity.
What type of legacy?
Pecuniary: This is the most straightforward type of legacy giving. You simply leave Stroud Valleys Project a sum of money or a percentage of your estate to our charity.
Residuary: A residuary legacy is what remains of an estate after all other bequests, taxes and debts have been settled. The benefit to a charity like us is that the value of your legacy will increase with the value of your estate.
Specific: This may take the form of a non-cash gift, such as equipment, a piece of land or property. Please note, for Stroud Valleys Project, a gift of a piece of land will also need a gift of money to help maintain it.
Reversionary: You leave a legacy for your loved ones during their lifetime, which would pass, on their death, to Stroud Valleys Project.
If any of these seem appropriate, talk to our fundraiser.
The benefits of leaving a legacy
We understand that your first priority is to provide for your friends and family. Once you have done that there may be financial benefits for you in leaving a legacy to Stroud Valleys Project.
Your donation will either:
be taken off the value of your estate before Inheritance Tax is calculated; this could be important if you are on or near the threshold
reduce your Inheritance Tax rate, if 10% or more of your estate is left to charity.
The tax-free threshold is currently £325,000. If you donate 10% of your estate to charity you can reduce your Inheritance Tax obligation from 40% to 36%.
The wording in a will
A typical form of wording for your will might be:
I give to Stroud Valleys Project (registered charity number 900107) x% of my estate to be used for the general purposes of the charity.
What to do next
If you wish to leave a gift to Stroud Valleys Project in your will and would like to discuss this with us, please telephone our Fundraiser on 01453 753358 or email: kerri@stroudvalleysproject.org