Survey shows Stroud Valleys Project volunteers enjoy working with us

Group picture - Volunteer picnic Autumn 2021

In the second half of 2021, Stroud Valleys Project carried out a survey of all our active volunteers. We were interested to see how our volunteers felt about working with us, and we also wanted to find out if we could improve their experience of working with us.

We offered our volunteers the chance to take part in the survey, where they were asked to agree (or not!) with statements measuring how engaged with Stroud Valleys Project they felt, how effective they thought we were in terms of our core objectives of enriching lives and transforming places, and how much we include the whole community. The people who responded also had the chance to share their opinions about what motivated them to work with us.

We then sat down with some of our volunteers and spoke to them in more depth about their volunteering experience with us.

We are delighted to report that, overwhelmingly, our volunteers find working with us to be beneficial both to them on a personal level and to their communities and the environment. Benefits to individuals included improved mental and physical health and a stronger sense of purpose, and volunteers also felt our work helped tackle social isolation.

We are working on improving some areas, such as the ways that we communicate with our volunteers and keep them in the loop about what is going on in the wider charity. We are also looking at ways that we can engage with more of the people of Stroud and let them know about our important work.

The summary report, which was released in January 2022, can be found here.

Finally, we would like to say a massive ‘thank you’ to all our brilliant volunteers, both for their support and participation in our survey, and for their ongoing hard work and loyalty to us. We really appreciate everything you do for Stroud Valleys Project and for our district’s biodiversity, community spaces and wildlife.

3 February 2022


Right tree, right place, right time


More than 1,000 trees to be planted in Stroud