Farewell GEM – and welcome Alison!
After six successful years supporting over 2,000 people to move closer towards or into work, the GEM Project officially finished in December 2022.
A unique and unprecedented partnership of over 30 community based organisations including Stroud Valleys Project, GEM supported over 800 people into employment and 400 people into education from 2016 until 2022.
The legacy of GEM and its success also continues through Inclusivity Works; an initiative developed by GEM to inspire and support employers to embed an inclusive approach in their organisation: www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/inclusivity-works/
Stroud Valleys Project is continuing our work with people removed from the employment market through Gloucestershire Employment and Skills Hub Outreach. Our new Employment and Skills Coordinator Alison Willis is supporting those who may in the past have had difficulty accessing the workplace.
If you or anyone you know fits that description, please email alison@stroudvalleysproject.org or call 01453 753358.
GEM Timeline