Eco Hub 2024
Greener Gloucestershire Climate Change Community Fund
SVP started a new project in June 2024, creating an inclusive and supportive Eco Hub for the whole of the Stroud district.
This project will create a hub of information at our eco shop in Stroud, supporting people to reduce their carbon emissions in areas such as transportation, food production and energy use. We will also organise lively outreach information sessions with partner organisations at locations across our district, focusing on the least environmentally engaged and the most socially deprived areas.
Advice will be provided in a non-judgemental way and will make the link between saving money and living in a way that reduces carbon emissions.
If you have a location or event where you would like us to provide information in some way, e.g. a workshop, stall, or just helpful leaflets, please get in touch by emailing
Autumn 2024 update:
Reaching out with ‘Eco Hub’ by Caroline Pankhurst
We started our new Eco Hub project in June, promoting eco-friendly activities to less engaged communities around the Stroud district.
We produced two different leaflets on 10 ways to be more eco around Stroud (including ‘easy ways’ and ’more ways’), suggesting various activities from growing your own food and looking after wildlife to recycling difficult items at the eco shop and using the Robin bookable bus - either visit: or ring 0345 263 8139. Even people who think they’re ‘eco’ usually find out something they didn’t know!
We’ve held stalls over the summer to try and reach new audiences, working in partnership with other local community organisations. These have included a Yard Trail in Stonehouse, Wild Fun Days in Stratford Park and at the Top of Town and the Wild Hogs Open Day in Frampton. We’ve offered children the chance to decorate packets which they can fill with bird seed, to feed the birds at home, as an introduction to helping nature.
As we move into winter, we’ll be at events including Cam Christmas Fair and will also be organising some special workshops on topics such as energy saving.
Our Eco Hub is funded by Gloucestershire County Council until March 2025.
If you’d like us to join you for an event or have an unusual tip to be included in our leaflet, please get in touch:
This project is funded by the Gloucestershire County Council Greener Gloucestershire community climate change fund until 31 March 2025.